Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Hello from Cobar 😊!  I hope you’re enjoying your weekend in whatever form it’s taking.  I’m now partly through my Beyond the Mountains Tour now, and it is good to get on the road again.  I’d love to see you if you’re local to any of these:

  • 25 July – 1 Aug – Jo Avalon’s Readings Tour through Merriwa – Cobar – Bourke – Walgett – Lightning Ridge – Gilgandra, NSW
  • 11 Aug – Fair of Curiosities, Mystics, and Creatives in Gunnedah, NSW
  • 14 – 17 Aug Popup at Lake Munmorah shopping centre (crystals, jewellery and aromas for your soul)
  • 24-25 Aug Miracles Psychic Fair in Mt Gambier, SA
  • 8 Sept – Your Soul Expo in Lake Macquarie, NSW

Now, here is your Oracle Post – enjoy!

Let’s get into today’s Oracle Inspiration for you!  Take a minute to settle, centre, and take a cleansing breath – ask, β€˜which card holds an inspiring message for me?’ – and choose your card from today’s Oracle offering, either Left, Middle, Right, or All Three.  As always, the reveal is further down this post – enjoy!

Sat 27 July is a Waning Gibbous Moon in Aries β™ˆ.    If something you’re working on isn’t quite going to plan, don’t rush to make a decision to change anything, as you may still need some information to come to light.   Allow yourself to slow down so that you can decide what you want to do and proceed at your own comfortable pace.

Now, are you ready for your messages?……Today’s cards are from Angel Wisdom Tarot (Raleigh Valentine).

Left Card:

Six of Fire (Wands) – What a joyous message!  You’ve won!  You’ve pulled it off!  People are noticing that your hard work and smart choices have brought you success.  You deserve the recognition!  If you’re aiming for a promotion or an award, Well Done!

Middle Card:

12 Awakening (The Hanged Man) – How interesting that this is this week’s middle card again!  Pausing before taking rash action is the message.  Take a good look at everything, all the elements of your dilemma, including the possibility of something that hasn’t come to light yet, before you right yourself, pack your bag of tricks and take action.  Reflection and insight are key here.

Right Card:

Two of Air (Swords) – You’ve started out with a great idea and now you’re unsure (or unwilling) to decide what step to take to progress it.  Allow the blindfold to shield you from others’ influence and follow your heart’s intention.

All three cards:

These three cards show that you’ve pulled off something successfully and deserve to take the time to enjoy the celebration.  Naturally you’ll be wanting to start on your next ‘project’, but it would be wise to take some quiet time out before announcing your plans.  Sometimes success and recognition bring people who want to co-opt your skills for their needs.  Are your plans really what you want or are you at risk of acting in order to make others happy?  Pause, reflect, gather insight and then decide to take your preferred course of action.

I hope you find these messages inspirational for you today, I do enjoy preparing them for you – feel free to comment on this post on my website – perhaps you can share what is happening for you this week – I read every comment and I love to hear from you.   Thank you for inviting me into your inbox each week – I look forward to seeing you in some way in 2024 πŸ’™.

Jo Avalon (27 Jul 2024)

Country traditionally owned by the Wangaapuwan people

Want your own personal reading? Head to for my email reading options, as well as information about the Your Soul Expo in Lake Macquarie.

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